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Check out the many resources, both online and available in our office, that your group can use to learn more on safe driving habits.



Seat Belts

Pennsylvania has clear regulations when it comes to seat belt use. The Pennsylvania Vehicle Code states:

  • Drivers who are younger than 18 and all front seat passengers must be restrained.

  • A driver and front seat passenger, 18 years of age or older, shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened seat belt system. Learn more about seat belt use here.   Pennsylvania's Title 75 Vehicle Code



Driving a motorcycle can be exhilarating and lets you see the world in a whole different way. When you choose to ride a motorcycle, you take on risks that motorists do not. You are no longer surrounded by a steel cage which can protect you in a crash. Proper equipment while riding can reduce serious injuries.  For more information, visit PennDOT's Motorcycle Safety page. PennDOT also offers   Motorcycle Training classes for all levels and includes: aspiring new riders, semi-experienced, three-wheeled, and advanced riders.


Impaired Driving

Everyone knows it's unsafe to drive under the influence of alcohol.  However, it may be unclear to most drivers how many drinks can be consumed before they consider themselves “under the influence.”  Impairment begins with the first drink. Learn more, including the cost of a DUI, here.  


Aggressive Driving

Aggressive Driving continues to be a significant traffic safety problem in Pennsylvania. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates aggressive drivers are responsible for two-thirds of all highway fatalities and nearly 35 percent of all crashes. Learn more on Pennsylvania's response to aggressive driving here


Check out these links to additional resources.

South Central PA Highway Safety

Serving Pennsylvania Counties:
Cumberland ~  Dauphin ~ Franklin ~ Perry

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